This list just shows a part of our creative work!We stopped updateing it in 2015.
Please subcribe to our news-letter to get NEWS here...
2015: Wildwuchs: Film music for the opening film "In Erwartung Europas".
2015: Malakai Eco Lodge, Hotel. Marketing, Communication, Networking.
2015: Marketing, Communication, Networking.
2015: Marketing, Communication, Networking.
2014: Mark Dean Musicproduction.
2014: THS Gold Club about real values and real gold.
2013: Travelpreneurship - The PROFESSION of traveling, enjoying the time of your life and helping other people to do the same.
2013: Development and production of the Basel World Music Festivals.
2013: Production and publishing of the live-album "Thomas S. World Music Orchestra featuring Elena House" with the name "Live in Heaven".
2013: Creation of the "Global Humanistic Benefits Foundation".
2013: Several film productions in Uganda.
Consulting, building, management and marketing of Socialmedia-pages such as More Meaning full life.
"The shadow box" HD Audio- and videoproduction.
March 2012: HD video production for Thomas Heinz world music.
March 2012: Communication consulting and production of You-Tube-videos for Ortopag AG.
March 2012: Consulting and development for TATwellness. Development of YouTube-marketing and affiliate system. Production of YouTube-Videos, watch here....
Febr. 2012: Consulting and development for Binkert Publishing. Socialmedia, Wikipedia and more.
Dec. 2011: Development and roll out of the Xanny Club Lifestyle campagne.
Dec. 2011: Representing and producing with Thomas Heinz , Fiat Frost and Jane in Bangkok.
Sept. 2011: Teamworkshop for IKEA.
Aug. 2011: Social-Event "Art In Life Mixer at Hilton, Basel.
April 2011: More about THS sounds words & life and the Thailand Retreat in Hi Class Magazine. And the detailed description you can read here...
THS sounds words & life together with the Hollywood producer Shele Sondheim offers specific, tailer made university programs in music production, music industry, marketing and management. These programs have been done successfully also at the Columbia College Chicago. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.
We are ready from 24.7. - 4.8.2011 the THS sounds words & life "Thailand, art of life retreat" will take place. Sign in now and see the details here.....
2010: In collaboration with Dropnet AG THS sounds words & life is consulting and accompanying the worldwide WEB-marketing for GreenIce, synthetic ice rinks. By using the social network of THS sounds words & life a specifically targeted WEB-campaign is run. And THS created the sound-logo.
2010: In collaboration with Dropnet AG THS sounds words & life is consulting and accompanying the WEB-marketing for Sifu Damian Mohler and TIAN LONG GUAN, centre for chinese art of life.
2010: At the moment we are working to increase our activities in Asia/Thailand. Together with our Bangkok representation Xanny Disjad we are planing 10 day "Art of life" journeys. We hope to be able to offer this travels to you soon.
2010: Art event with concert of Thomas Heinz, TV covered Telebasel.
2010: Partnering company Congruent Minds held a presentation skills workshop at Google in Switzerland for the software engineering test Team with 40 participants. The goal was: teach them basic skills in public speaking and slide presentations and increasing team activity.
2005: Video of a solo performance of Sybille Marseiler for ETH-Zürich, click here.
2005 - today: Assesments for several clients, such as IWB, Baloise Group,Navyboot, Spital Limmattal, Hilti, Graubündner Kantonalbank, Pfizer AG, Zürcher Kantonalbank..........
2010: Personal assements on behalf of MPB Executive Search AG.
2010: Team development for the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs ( EDA ).
2010: The production of Thomas Heinz "For life" , live in concert CD and DVD is finisched. They can be ordered at THS-shop .
2005 - today: Personal assements on behalf of Manres AG.
2010: THS-music produces the Sound-Logo for Tischmesse-Basel. The sound-logo is used for the acoustic branding. In radio and TV commercials, at the fair in background and at the forum between the speakers.
2010: THS-music develops their own approach "Coaching and training in creative action" and pushes internal studies further.
2010: Ending of the tour Tour Thomas Heinz & friends in february. THS-music did have to total projectmanagement for this.
Nov. 2009: THS-music gives a one day team-workshop at the seminar and therapie center of Schloss Glarisegg, Steckborn. The workshop includes theaterpädagogic and musical/sound exersises.
2009: Visit of THS-music at the World Music Expo in Kopenhagen.
2009: Course voice training and body presence at the FMS high school Muttenz. Themes where: presenting fearless, breath training, body perception, vocal training.
2009: THS-music did run mutliple seminars in creativ action. Themes where: opening, stillness, focusing, creativ action, communication and personal development.
2009: THS-music produces together with Telebasel a live concert TV show for Thomas Heinz & friends. THS-music was a.o. responsible for the audio master recording and the total project management. Have a little look here....
2009: THS-music produces the music video "Beauty of life" for Thomas Heinz in HD. THS-music has done all planing and projectmanagement of this event. See the video here.....
2009: Team drumming in the most beautiful nature of Oberbaselbiet in Buckten.
2009: Communication, sound and drumming workshop with a forth grade class from Bottmingen, Baselland.
Sept. 2009: THS-music gives a presentation to the Raiffeisen Bank of Basel about the use of sound and music in teamworkshops, organisations and firms.
During this session the participants were actively making music and the Raiffeisen Basel Team-Song was created.
March 2009: THS-music is responsible for the audioservices for the international conference with more than 500 participants , , all 4 days of the conference have been digitally recorded and then been edited at the studio of THS-music. At the end THS produced an CD-album which is including 8 CD's. You can find the album her .
Jan 2009: THS-music finishes the new album of Thomas Heinz "For life" .
This new album of has been released in Switzerland, Germany and Austria at the same time. Labels are: , and . The album is also available at all download plattforms or at .
June 2008: THS-music gives a presentation to the Swiss-Marketing-Club Basel-Region about the use of sound and music in teamworkshops, organisations and firms.
During this session, which was held in the restaurant "Blinde Kuh" in Basel, the club-song and SMC-soundlogo were created.
The members of the SMC were actively involved in the making of their own corporate sound. And here is the song...
March 2008: THS-music is composing and producing the sound-logo and promotional-jingle for the "Tischmesse Basel".
March 2008: THS-music is composing and producing the sound-logo for the "Bathys Club".
Jan 2008: The second album of "Thomas Heinz" is in development. "Thomas Heinz" create therefor a totally new sound and at the same time prepare to perform the "Thomas Heinz"-songs live on stage. At MIDEM 2008 the first three songs of the new album are presented to the music business.
June 2007 THS-music produces a "internal corporate song" for The work has been done within the development of company culture for a division for UBS. Our works were integrated in workshops which have been managed by a coach.
With the use of music and sound within the cultural workshops UBS reaches a much bigger lastingness of the content.
Please have a listen here
Jan 2007: THS-music congratulates SUN'DRA (Sandra Wild) to the participation at on the swiss TV-channel number one.
Sept. 2006: "In Latvia releases her album "5 moods". THS-music did write a song for this album."
July 2006: The song for the 50-th anniversary of the Swiss Marketing Club is composed and produced by THS-music.
The song is performed by Jacqueline Blouin,
April 2006: The third album from is released. THS-music did all vocal recordings with SUNDRA (Sandra Wild) and the mastering and wrote two songs on the album.
March 2006: THS-music produces the music-signature for the Swiss Marketing Club, and
October 2005: The second album of is released in Japan under the name of "Ramona and JW". The album is under the label of
September 2005: THS-music records and mixes the vocals of some of the songs from the new album "Right now and back then " of Jacqueline Blouin, The album is released, a.o. by in Japan.
THS-music did also the mastering of the full album.
September 2005: THS-music composed and produced the filmmusic for the product placement film "Mr. Noname" for companies such as Canon and Siemens.
The director of the film was Benny Fasnacht from
The title song "Me and Mr. Noname" was performed by ALEXA.
August 2005: THS-music produces/composes three songs together with the english singer/songwriter ALEXA, The production was done in colaboration with the management of ALEXA Our favorite from this production is the song "It drives me crazy".
July 2005: THS-music produces/composes four songs together with the english singer/songwriter Anna Neale, The production was done in colaboration with the management of Anna Neale Our favorite from this production is the song from Anna Neale "So hard".
April 2005: The second SUN'DRA - album "What Would They Say" is entering HMV charts top 30 two weeks after release (
THS-music did write two songs for this album and was responsible for the SUN'DRA-vocal-recording (Sandra Wild) of all songs on this album.
February 2005: The repertoire of songs with German lyrics "Meine7Sachen" grows constantly.
The songs "Was bleibt ?" and "Gib mir deine Sonne" could be some influence to this musical summer.
Again the work together with CCK ( was of success.
January 2005: The song "Great friend" from THS-music is recorded and published by, and
"Great friend" reaches top 10 positions in the radio air play charts. See also you could buy the CD there.
January 2005: THS-music is attending the MIDEM 2005 at the SUISA-booth and present, among others, their first video-production.
December 2004: Sun'dra (Sandra Wild) gets well known in Switzerland too. The biggest commercial newspaper of Switzerland makes a big report about
"the Swiss that conquers Japan". Sund'dra (Sandra Wild) is in the Top 100 charts of Japan with this album for weeks. Currently the recordings for her second album are done at THS-music, which is again responsible for the musical procdution.
October 2004: THS-music produces, together with CCK more songs, which will be presentet at MIDEM 2005.
October 2004: THS-music releases the first production in German language with the name "meine7sachen". This production was made in cooperation with the artist CCK.
September 2004: THS-music is attending the Popkomm in Berlin on the SUISA booth 147, hall 17.
August 2004: The album "Hi this is Sun'dra" is released in Japan, among others at Only 4 weeks after this release it was taken the decision to release a second album in spring 2005. THS-music will take the responsibility for the musical production for this album too.
Find more information here.
THS-music in the press (Basler Zeitung, 9. August 2004).
July 2004. The song "You will make your way" has been recorded by the production company in colaboration with in Latvia. For the debut album of Jenny May which will be released in spring 2005.
THS-music makes upgrade to Apple G5, Mac OS-X and Motu 828 mkII hardware, as well as Motu Digital Performer Vers. 4 software.
| ![]() five brandnew songs. |
March 2004, THS-music takes over the musical production for the first album of "Sun'dra".
The album "Hi, this is Sun'dra" will be released in late summer 2004 in Japan through Trident Style Inc.